Posts tagged with ‘thermomix’

5160 of 116 items

A fish and salad dinner party

by Dani

It’s been a couple of weeks since this dinner party. Somewhat uncharacteristically, I didn’t take a single photo. It took all my energy to get the food to the table. Little did I know, I was being hit with a nasty virus which took complete control of me sometime around midnight that same evening and […]

Midweek entertaining inspired by the cook book of the week.

by Dani

It was apt that I started my cook book challenge with Women’s Weekly Dinner Party Cook Book No. 3 as we had dinner guests last night. As it was a mid-week affair, I forwent the full degustation catastrophe and settled for appetisers, sorbet, main meal and dessert. The main meal was the featured cook book […]

Broad bean risotto and the amazing vanishing bread

by Dani

Today is a day of absolutely no originality at Chez KP. It has however, been a day of delicious food. Sunday is my sleep in day which leaves the Bread Winner on morning duty. So the less said about breakfast the better. Or in my case, I could simply say ‘what breakfast?’. By lunchtime, things […]

Committee meetings, broad bean dip and Sardinian parchment bread.

by Dani

It seems I am still somewhat discombobulated. It didn’t occur to me until I received a late agenda that I had a kinder committee meeting last night. Pretty silly of me considering it was clearly written on the calendar. Furthermore, I had no idea at all that it was my turn to bring food. A […]

Broad Bean and Bacon Potatoes

by Dani

Broad Beans would be so tiresome if they were in season all year round. Removing the pods, cooking, skinning. It’s a fair bit of work. Something I’m more than happy to do in spring when they’re in season to experience their fleeting deliciousness. Joy of joy, despite my poor broad bean plants this year (almost […]

Market fresh goodness…fritters, soup and crumble.

by Dani

Market day makes me want to stuff as much of that freshly picked vegetable goodness into my gob as humanly possible in one day. As each day of the week passes by, they are that little bit less fresh, that little bit less nutritious. Always good until the end though. This morning, I got caught […]