Posts by Dani

6170 of 444 items

Judias Verdes con Salsa de Tomate – French beans in tomato sauce

by Dani

Due to extreme tiredness, a backlog of knitting for the school fete and a half written emergency plan for the kinder, this week’s post contains a side dish only. But what a side dish it was! A thermomix modification of a classic Spanish tapas dish, which was served with Portuguese steak and Portuguese fried potatoes. […]

France: butter and cream. What could be wrong?

by Dani

First week of term, hot weather, committee meetings, swimming lessons, work, craft group meetings. Totally crazy week to decide to do a culinary trip round the world. We did it though. And thoroughly enjoyed it. Unfortunately, it’s taken until today to catch up on blogging about it. First Born has placed French food in second […]

Chez KP goes Russian

by Dani

Welcome to Europe! Yes we did discuss that Russia is in both Europe and Asia but we cooked European Russian food. On the first day of term with swimming lessons fter school. What was I thinking? Fortunately, I had selected a salad which meant it could be done between work and school pickup, ready for […]

First Born. The boy who loves to learn.

by Dani

First Born has taken this whole culinary world tour thing very seriously. He amuses and delights me. So I thought I’d share with you his daily offerings to accompany our meals. The text down the bottom reads: Japan is a country in Aisa and Japan is an island Japanese PeoPle sit at low wooDen TaBles […]

Chez KP goes Vietnamese

by Dani

Ahh Vietnamese food. It never fails to delight. Never. Every dish was hungrily gobbled and loudly praised this evening. The soup was magical. My love for pho is not unknown but I simply did not have the time to make the stock. I’ve found my quick substitute soup. The beef and Vietnamese coriander soup is […]

Chez KP goes Thai

by Dani

After a night out of the kitchen last night, today we resumed our world tour. Tonight’s top, Thailand. First Born has identified it on the map, read a book about it, drawn the flag and listed similarities between Japan and Thailand. I hope he always loves learning this much. And in such a self directed […]

Chez KP goes Japanese

by Dani

Warning: International food challenges may cause regular blogging.* First Born has embraced this project with a passion. We went to the library today and he borrowed books on Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, France, Russia and Germany. Today he read his book on Japan, located Japan in his Atlas and drew the Japanese flag. Things like this […]

Around the World in 7 Days

by Dani

Every now and again, my recipe book shelf explodes. I try and keep only the ones I use but I still seem to acquire a few new ones each year. In addition to that, both the Ankle Biters are cooking regularly now and they have their own little collection springing up. The good thing about […]

Vegetable, Herb and Feta Cannelloni

by Dani

I’m such a creature of habit in my old age. Changes to my routine, particularly where food is concerned tend leave me a little disoriented. Having to complete a 24 hour training course at work in 2 days and one evening last weekend thoroughly discombobulated me. No farmers market! Fortunately I had stocked up as […]

Refried beans without the fry!

by Dani

I found this little gem whilst trawling the internet recently. We adore refried beans but I do have a problem with the amount of (usually saturated) fat they contain. I also hate buying canned bean products as the price is so much higher than using them dried. The smells that have been wafting through the […]