Posts tagged with ‘Packed lunch’

5 Items

Beating the lunch blues, bento style.

by Dani

Now that both First Born and Lil Miss are at school, I am working close to full time. Which means that I am making packed lunches for the whole family five days a week, no more nicking home at lunch time for a few crackers, cheese and tomato for me! The main problem with this […]

How to do nude food

by Dani

A friend rang last week several weeks ago (yes I’ve been writing this post for weeks) asking for tips for implementing packaging free days for her daughter’s school. I said I would email her some information and then promptly dropped the ball. Now I’m picking it back up again in the form of a blog […]

School lunch planning

by Dani

We have one more week here until Son and Heir is released into the wilds of the school ground. At the same time, Lil Miss is back at creche and I am back at work. It’s going to be busier than ever for our little family this year. In my usual obsessive way, I am […]

Packing Protein for Ankle Biters

by Dani

In response to Alli’s food challenge, here is my current list of packed lunch suggestions for fussy eaters. I know that honey sandwiches are in and cold cuts are out. Other than that I’m winging it so I’m sure many suggestions won’t hit the nail on the head. My Ankle Biters are more of the […]

Back to School time

by Dani

Or kinder, or work, or creche, or whatever else requires you to start wracking your brains about packing lunches. Lunch is my least liked meal of the day. I don’t heart thinking about it. I try and avoid thinking about it by having a checklist of ideas floating around the kitchen. I thought I’d share […]