Not for the first time, when shown my latest creation, the Bread Winner wondered aloud what possesses me to do these things. How does one take that? Is it mere bemusement? Derision? Disgust? I justified this creation with the notion of children and festivities and keeping the Ankle Biters amused in the lead up to the big day. To which the Bread Winner responded with, “OK. So why did you make two?”

Large gingerbread wreath
- Small gingerbread wreath
The clipping from which the idea came, possibly from Super Food Ideas, has been in my recipe folder for quite some time. One year or more, I really don’t know. This year, it was an idea whose time had come. I used substituting the sugar for 1 slightly packed cup of muscovado and treace in place of golden syrup. I mixed it in the thermomix but the batch was too large for it to handle so I finished combining and kneading by hand.We got enough gingerbread from this batch to make one large wreath, one small and a batch of biscuits to leave out for Santa tomorrow night.
- Gingerbread cookies for Santa
To form the wreath, use a holly leaf cookie cutter and score the veins in with a knife. On a sheet of baking paper, trace the outside of a bread and butter plate. Layer the leaves around the edge and bake at 180 degrees for 20 – 25 minutes. Allow to cool completely before hanging from a fabulous Christmas ribbon. If you can keep the Ankle BIters at bay, it should keep for about a week.
I really didn’t mean to be derogatory! I meant it in my usual curious way. I just can’t imagine myself ever wanting to do that. But the end result was great and I can’t wait to eat it on Christmas!
Lucky you don’t my love. Four gingerbread wreaths would definitely be too many. Although with the way Son and Heir eats maybe not…
Hey! I can post comments again! (I was having enormous trouble posting comments on your blog there for a while).
I can’t actually believe this wreath! It’s so decadent. I have an image of someone passed out, smeared with chocolate beneath the remains of said wreath on Christmas morning, (a la the Priest in Chocolat).
Docwitchs last blog post..How Utterly Appropriate.
WordPress upgrade was an unpleasant transition. Hehe, you just made me snort toothpaste. I can picture Son and Heir in that exact pose. He’s dying to get his chompers into the wreath 😀